Wednesday, 27 January 2010
Iron Fist.

Although they still remain in their pink leopard print graffitied box, I take them out daily for their walk. Tomorrow they will have their showcase and I will report back. They are super high but I feel cocktails in a bunker with Tom can handle it.
The 'Zombie Stomper' was the style I was first attracted too. The slightly grotesque design, when worn just added a cute strip of zombie teeth across the toe, with the delicacy of a black laced bow against the heel. I missed theses beauties in the Office sale but one day i will have them.

Anyway, I am not a 'typical' shoe girl, and one of the first to admit it! Recently I have become a fan of the wedge and 6 inch heel. Slidding and slipping around the streets of London as I gain the stability of a 5'8 girl (not used to the heel) that finds herself initially walking along pebbled streets - reminiscent of Bambi as the gangly legs gain strength, posture and security. Thanks to Cosmopolitan Magazine I was given a free pair of these. oh yessssss 'Digi-Skull'!

A heel freak, I feel a fool, not only due to the added height but the extended ego that accompanies 8-9 inch heels. There is something about heels that adds to your confidence, so much that you tower over that assistant on a Sunday. The assistant that makes delays. strikes and engineering works seem like a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday ago. The heels add to the importance and genuine significance of getting somewhere. They matter and tube strikes don't, that's why I jam them in the door.

I'm only joking.
Check out Shoes or Hop Topic for the newest and cheapest styles on the web.
Tuesday, 26 January 2010
Ebay find of the day.

On the subject of Baking.

People that know me (in real life), know I am the biggest advocate for Sweden and hope to live there one day. I have visited many times, and each time I go I fall more and more in love with the people, food, culture and clothing - Monkii and Gina Tricot being the particular favourites. Swedish music is a mini obsession of mine...not the Ace of Base and Abba sorts although they do hold their place in Swedish pop history. Sweden is the home of some of the best most underground experimental bands of the noughties. At the end of the year I stumbled upon a band called 'Cake on Cake'. Not only is their name super cute and twee, at the the time I was seeing someone who had a bit of a fetish for cake - hence the name captured my attention at once ha! The bands last album was called in 'I guess I was Daydreaming' released in 2006. (Sigh). Like many a band such as Neutral Milk Hotel that I know will never tour again, this band has niggled its way into my eardrums and found a home there. Writing a post about Johnny cupcakes I thought tangibly aligning this post was seem less. Tadah!
So if this video ices your buns then please check out their website and MySpace.
Bake Sale.

I have just made my first purchase from Johnny Cupcakes - I am very excited. I have been a big fan of the brand for a while now, but as the newer exclusive designs get snapped up faster then you can say 'Jack Robinson', I find myself waiting for the perfect buy.
Johnny started the label in 2001 - initially through merchandising tees out of the back of his van for his at the time band 'On Broken Wings'. Johnny now sits at the head of a retail empire. His ever so stylish indie label is accumulating an even more dominant presence in a market, where indie 'logo' based tees are struggling. His fresh ideas and approach to all aspects of the brand - from design, production and more significantly marketing strategies, makes me think this brand could excel in the UK.

His distinguishable cupcake juxtaposed with cross bone logo is ironic and playful. Also, he combines humans two favourite past times - Shopping and eating cake. What more could you want.
Johnny who was a college drop-out, now finds himself comfortably snuggled within a multi million dollar company. This business savvy artist is both open and modest about his success, and uses his knowledge touring the world to give lectures on business start ups. At the end of 2009 he visited London and Leeds to give talks on his solutions for success as well as generously providing vast amounts of free cupcakes for all the malnourished students. Oh to be back at uni again!
The Cupcake label has also recently collaborated with New Era and Warner Bros to name a few. With these credentials and the devoted clientele he already concurs, I'm hoping Johnny opens a store in London VERY soon.

To see the whole collection and buy online please go to
Good band. Good song. Good title.
Oops, wasnt going to post two videos after each other, but I have been listening to this all day. There was a time my best friend and I had this on max/repeat as we caked on the eyeliner and back combed our hair to head to Slam Dunk at the Cockpit. I have been told it sums me up pretty well - well if the rumours are true.
Just spotified my name and found another song by 'Monster' thats pretty sweet. Another tune that popped up on my ipod today was Milk by Kings of Leon. I have always held an affectionate spot for.
' She saw my comb over, her hour glass body,
she has problems with drinking milk and being school tardy,
she'll lone you her toothbrush, she'll bartend your party.'
Think if I was ever to place a lonely hearts add, this would be included. Alas, i dont go to school anymore, and im not as crippled as I was by lactose intolerance. Hmmm...maybe its a good thing im not 20 anymore. Apart from that, Comb overs get me hot and bothered. Perfect match.
Monday, 25 January 2010
Thursday, 21 January 2010
Superbowl Sunday

To bling or not to bling....

Its as tacky as you can get, and i love it! Alas the gems are already starting to drop off, but i don't mind for two quid one cant complain. If it ends up completely bare and trashed i'll just pop it in the waste basket with my 8 pound ipod which WAS a pile of crap. Toodles.
Thai Beauties
Anyway, the result was not only getting to choose the recipe for the new Marmite, but also being declared the first circle of Marmarati. We have a badge and everything!
As this continued we were also force fed marmite infused cocktails and champagne, obviously this was effecting any response I had to feedback on each pot put in front of me, but the best one definitely was picked. So for all you Marmite fans, ones of these jars will be hitting the shelves of your nearest supermarket very soon!
To top if off we were given a certificate and massive goodie bag. Though the ‘clan’ has a slightly nazi-esque name, getting any sort of certificate pleases me greatly. I think the last time I felt that chuffed was winning a gold medal for ‘digging gold’ in Legoland.