People that know me (in real life), know I am the biggest advocate for Sweden and hope to live there one day. I have visited many times, and each time I go I fall more and more in love with the people, food, culture and clothing - Monkii and Gina Tricot being the particular favourites. Swedish music is a mini obsession of mine...not the Ace of Base and Abba sorts although they do hold their place in Swedish pop history. Sweden is the home of some of the best most underground experimental bands of the noughties. At the end of the year I stumbled upon a band called 'Cake on Cake'. Not only is their name super cute and twee, at the the time I was seeing someone who had a bit of a fetish for cake - hence the name captured my attention at once ha! The bands last album was called in 'I guess I was Daydreaming' released in 2006. (Sigh). Like many a band such as Neutral Milk Hotel that I know will never tour again, this band has niggled its way into my eardrums and found a home there. Writing a post about Johnny cupcakes I thought tangibly aligning this post was seem less. Tadah!
So if this video ices your buns then please check out their website and MySpace.
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